Gert Scholtz

7 years ago · 8 min. reading time · ~10 ·

Gert blog
The Write Stuff

The Write Stuff


BeBee has a superbly skilled and diverse group of writers, bloggers and honey-makers. Each with a unique style, each with a unique voice. Good writing is in the eye of the beholder. With my focus less on what they write about and more on how they write, below are my personal impressions of beBee writers and how their individual flair enriches my knowledge of writing. To the best of my ability I describe their writing essence. 

John White, MBA

John’s writing is a model of plainly spoken eloquence. Straight to the point, no frills, he writes extremely well. He communicates and he inspires more in fewer words than any other. Little wonder he writes for Inc.Com and other prestigious publications. I admire John for his skill is self-taught and for his perseverance in the face of nay-sayers in his earlier years as a writer.

Pascal Derrien

Pascal’s work is pure artistry. He writes sentences longer that what the grammar teacher said and it works and he uses words in slanted meaning to what the dictionary says and it works. He paints pictures with words; bright, sad, thoughtful, and creatively articulate. His style of writing is so unique and captivating only he can do it.  A verbal artist. 

Pascal Derrien

Jim’s writing excellence is deceptive. Easy to read and almost folksy sometimes, it belies the professionalism and quality of his work. It feels like Uncle Jim is talking to me (or having a rant) on his porch while sipping morning coffee. Jim posts on beBee almost daily, a testimony to his remarkable discipline and a lesson that writing well requires consistent effort. Jim gives sage advice on writing in many of his posts.

Paul Walters

Paul is the most eminent travel writer on beBee. His travel posts convey a colorful portrait of place and culture and he fills my senses with the destination. Paul’s blogs waken my wanderlust and leave me wanting to hop on the next plane. A serial novelist, his social writing is flippant and humorous and a pure pleasure to find on the beBee feeds on any day.

Jim Murray

Liesbeth writes as if taught by Hemingway himself. Short and meticulous sentences winding down a plot to which I cannot guess the conclusion until the final word. At the end of her story she leaves me craving the sequel. A multi-talented writer with a wide grasp of perspectives. Liesbeth is a born storyteller.


Donna-Luisa Eversley

When Donna writes I hear that lovely Caribbean accent. Her words are inspirational and uplifting without any syrupy sentimentality. Donna-Luisa tells about herself and conveys her thoughts in the most charming way. Yet, behind the charm and words one senses a woman who is strong and independent. A writer and person I admire.

Paul Walters

Phil’s pieces I most often reread for the pure craftsmanship in his writing. No doubt his academic background in philosophy and logic has influenced his flowing and persuasive style. He can put to words the most practical down to earth advice as well as dwell with ease in the most abstract of deliberations. Phil’s enormous vocabulary gives his writing a reach and immense depth.

Robert Cormack

Robert leaves me reeling with his writing. He skilfully alternates and juxtaposes facts, quotes and opinion. One of the handful of writers on beBee who has successfully published a book, his writing takes my mind for a workout – a good one. Robert’s long training in advertising and skill as a writer shows in his every irreverent and insightful post.

Donna-Luisa Eversley

Paul is one of the funniest and wittiest writers on the platform. His article on Javier beBee in Canada in winter is a classic. He writes short, punchy sentences with tongue in cheek observations that have me bursting out laughing. His writing on technical aspects of social media platforms is instructive and lively; he conveys the nuts and bolts in a way non-techies such as I can understand.

Joyce 🐝 Bowen

I often read Joyce's posts more than once. Her use of tempo, dialogue, alternating paragraphs and sheer narrative force is outstanding. With formal education in creative writing, her time-honed skills show clearly. How many revisions does she do to get to such effect, flow and clarity? Let that be her secret and our privilege to read to the final script.


Phil Friedman

Aleta writes the most conversational posts on beBee. I don’t know how she does it. It feels like I am in the outback somewhere with the most engaging conversationalist in front of me. Her ability to tell an entertaining story of her immediate surrounds is supreme. I can only guess it comes from years of loving the art of writing itself that makes her posts read so effortless.

David B. Grinberg

David expertly covers wide-reaching social issues. His research is superb and he takes effort in writing longer form posts packed with information. He manages to encapsulate large social-economic and managerial topics extremely well. When I read any of David’s posts, I see a professional in full flow.

Robert Cormack

Dean’s wide range of topics on beBee is yet to be matched. From travel, personal experiences, street musicians, food, Mussolini and social issues to stock trading and entrepreneurship. The list goes on. Whenever I see Dean’s posts I open it with anticipation as I never know what will be in store. Each is written with a style and verve of its own. Dean is a Sensei of writing range and diversity.

Ali Anani

Who else can write with such creative originality about the natural world around us and the way that we view the world? Who else can stop you in your tracks to think and ponder in only a few short paragraphs? The depth of thought and comments elicited by Sir Ali’s elegant and gently provoking writing is a testament to a master craftsman and thinker.

Paul "Pablo" Croubalian

Ian probes the human condition and human mind with acute insight. His articles on mental well-being are distilled to the very essence of how the mind and brain functions. He simplifies the enormously complex functioning of our brain into terms all can understand. He is also one very entertaining storyteller, in person and one paper. A neurosurgeon whose writing impacts my mind.


Ken Boddie

Ken has the knack of taking highly variant and sometimes obscure places and objects and creating an entertaining and well thought out post about it. His post on Whistles but one example. Who can forget his portrayal of the Flying Doctors in Australia? He researches his subjects well and brings it to life with his gift of humor. The engineer that he is, he assembles his posts with care and detail.

Joyce 🐝 Bowen

The queen of beBee interviews! / La Reina de las entrevistas beBee! With her warm smile and engaging personality, Mamen brings us the person behind the Bee. She is proficient in the delicate art of getting others to disclose themselves. Her brief thought pieces are composed from a totally unexpected creative angle. Una abeja reina!

debasish majumder

A poet of rare talent. As a story writer Debasish slowly lifts the veil on the hidden tragedies and maladies of everyday life. His writing is honed to full and vibrant expression. He is an expert wordsmith and deftly takes my mind and heart into the nooks and crannies of peoples’ ills and hopes.

Aleta Curry

There is something so impeccable about Sandra’s writing. Her neat concise sentences, paragraphs, and overall layout hint at a perfectionist. Sandra is at home with many genres all written with her quietly observant pen. She expresses herself in a flowing and flawless style. Before I know it I have finished reading her post, nodding in affirmation.


Paz🐝 Hueso Luque

Paz is an archaeologist. She has a penchant for uncovering hidden historic information and then detailing it meticulously in her posts. Even though I use google translate for her Spanish posts, the richness of the history of the people and places she turns her eye on is brought forth with detail and clarity in her well-researched stories.

Dean Owen

Lisa writes with an arresting openness and honesty about who she is. She never shirks from showing herself with complete candor. I have huge respect for her ability to connect with sincerity and empathy with readers all around the world in her telling of the trails, travails and triumphs in her life and those near to her.

Tausif Mundrawala

Tausif writes with sensitivity and poignancy. His posts are an ode to life and to the art of writing itself. His words on daughters and the woman of the world are delicate and his narratives strike deep chords. He is writer I follow, and who I follow with growing anticipation and attention.

Ali Anani

Sara’s writing is a mix of online alchemy and Socratic wisdom. She often blends and builds on the posts of others to give new insight in her elegant prodding way. Her writing teases out those questions important in life. Sara is giving in her references to others; a most generous Queen Bee. Read her posts and enrich yourself. 

Yogesh Sukal

Yogesh’s posts are one of a kind. A unique blend of provocative pictures captioned with short vignettes that cause me to pause in reverie and thought. He is a poet, he is a photographer, he is a writer, he is an artist, he is all of this. A rising star on the beBee platform; more to come from his talent. 


Ian Weinberg

Deb’s posts are incredibly well written. I find her championing of social media engagement to be original in thought and captivating in language. Have a close look at Deb’s choice of words and smooth prose and know I regard her as one of the most intelligent Bees on the platform. She is a humanitarian and highly skilled writer.

Don 🐝 Kerr

Don’s posts are entertaining, iconoclastic and written with the chutzpah of a trained adman. He often rattles a few cages with his playful and witty jibes online. His book Riding Shotgun is Don at his best; an honest and open account of his experiences during his wife’s battle with cancer. A must read, as are his posts on beBee.

Ken Boddie

The exuberance and optimism in Fatima’s posts are palpable. She writes with an uncanny mixture of freshness and life experience. She has coined one of the most remarkable phrases on beBee: “In giving we receive; in receiving we learn; in learning we grow”. She is fond to of saying in her replies to posts: “buzz on!” To Fatima I say: "buzz on and on!"

Kevin Pashuk

There are only a few masters of the short story leading into a theme. Kevin trained them all. He starts and entices with tales and anecdotes expertly demonstrating his insight and experience. A "raging introvert" as he describes himself, his posts are novel and packed with good ideas and common sense.

Mamen 🐝 Delgado

Renee’s writing is detailed and disciplined. I get the impression she formulates each sentence with great care. She writes exceptional posts on life skills and self-development. Sit back, read carefully and absorb; Renee conveys insight on life from someone who has seen and lived it.

Shelley Brown

Shelly describes her style as: “A wildly honest tumble down the rabbit hole”. And a fun tumble it is! She writes about her mother with endearing humor. She turns a visit to the IRS into a hilarious hoot. Her humor makes for a best read any day she posts on beBee. Oh, and can she write! Self-deprecating, catchy, and all round pacey; don’t miss her pieces.


debasish majumder

Savvy is a dance educator. Her posts lift and lead to deeper consciousness, to think about the essence of life, and feel the heart of full being. Savvy moves me: “In the vulnerability of life and living, the dancing souls inhale and exhale.” Her posts and poetry are a graceful dance of words that leave the heart and mind singing.  

Jerry Fletcher

I read the first few lines of Jerry’s posts and I am hooked. He is a master at placing you right there in the story in only a few words. He is one of a handful of natural storytellers. Each story unfolds quickly to insight on whatever field Jerry chooses writes about. He is a a renowned consultant and speaker; listen to him write.

Sandra 🐝 Smith

A top writer on leadership and management. Larry’s experience in “the business of you” is clear in his long form posts on transformation, skills development and personal development. His work is well researched and structured, as he equips readers for the fourth industrial revolution. For leading posts on leadership, read Larry Boyer. 

Joel Anderson

Joel’s motto is: “Making a difference, one person—one step at a time.” His posts do exactly that. On a variety of subjects he takes us one step at a time to making a difference to ourselves, to the world and to others. His words are warm and compassionate, exemplified by his piece on Ubuntu, the African phrase for "humanity towards others".

Paz🐝 Hueso Luque

Javier inspires me because of his immense optimism and positive outlook. His native language is Spanish yet he writes regularly in clear English. Javier said in one of his posts: “Stories are powerful and shape both those who tell them and those who are themselves shaped by the storytellers.” I have yet to find better words on what it is to write on beBee.

To these beBee writers, I say thank you.

I continue to learn from you.


🐝 Fatima G. Williams

5 years ago #45

A buzz like that of a rainbow, where the colors will keep adding on as long as the one gives, learns, shares and receives with humbleness. The joy this post brings has the power to drown sadness.
Thanks so much for your kind words, Gert Scholtz. As to your subtle inquiry, I muddle through everything in my head and wrote in parcels when I get to the keyboard. By the time the work is complete, only the polish needs to be applied. I usually plop stuff online and whoops my way through edits. I'm always in edit mode after finishing the storytelling. "A good editor is a writer's best friend," I say. Perhaps one day I'll have one.
"I often read Joyce's posts more than once. Her use of tempo, dialogue, alternating paragraphs and sheer narrative force is outstanding. With formal education in creative writing, her time-honed skills show clearly. How many revisions does she do to get to such effect, flow and clarity? Let that be her secret and our privilege to read to the final script." Never thanked you for this shoutout from the looks of it. Mybad. Thank you. My process is demonstrated online. I whip up a post that's been rumbling through my mind in about a half hour and go through the editing process after I post. I flagellate myself as I find each mistake. The pressure of exposure appears to help. I chastise myself each time it, but it is my 'process'. Why do I feel compelled to share this? I'm groveling at the feet of embarrassment, reveling not in the end product, but in the land of the mistakes I make. Posts like this make me smile as I see and in good company. I am pleased to be included in this bunch.

Jerry Fletcher

6 years ago #42

Thank you Gert. Your words are too kind.

Joel Anderson

6 years ago #41

Gert Scholtz Thank you so much. I am humbled to say the least. That is what I like about beBee. There are so many good bees out there like you that exemplify the essence of humanity towards others and make such a positive difference--one person, one step at a time in a world needing difference making. Thank you again and all my best to you and all the other great bees out there. Keep making a difference.

Gert Scholtz

6 years ago #40

BeBee writers I learn from on the craft of writing. I have expanded the post to include more BeBee writers that I follow. Thank you to all.

Gert Scholtz

6 years ago #39

Jerry Fletcher I have expanded this post and mention your writing. Thank you.

Gert Scholtz

6 years ago #38

Ren\u00e9e \ud83d\udc1d Cormier I have expanded this post and mention your writing. Thank you.

Sara Jacobovici

7 years ago #37

Dear Gert Scholtz, I am honoured to be included in this group of writers. I am also impressed with your intuitive and insightful thoughts of our writing. In other words Gert, thanks for making me look good!

Gert Scholtz

7 years ago #36

Thank you to all that have commented, marked relevant and shared this post. To all the writers and bloggers on beBee, thank you, I read, learn from and enjoy your work.

Gert Scholtz

7 years ago #35

Deb \ud83d\udc1d Helfrich Thank you for your considerate words and for posting your unique writing for me to read, learn from and enjoy.

Gert Scholtz

7 years ago #34

Paz\ud83d\udc1d Hueso Luque Thank you for sharing this post again.

Gert Scholtz

7 years ago #33

I have expanded this post and mention your writing: Kevin Pashuk

Gert Scholtz

7 years ago #32

I have expanded this post and mention your writing: Sara Jacobovici
A very special group of writers, many of whom I read regularly. Nice job, Gert \ud83d\udc1d Scholtz!

Bill Stankiewicz

7 years ago #30

❤️ love the post here and all the commentary!! You bees 🐝 ROCK!! I ROLL! Bill Stankiewicz

CityVP Manjit

7 years ago #29

Agree with the list of writers. There used to be a great difference between the Editor and the Publisher in old media, but in new media the focus is more on the publisher who is akin to marketing, rather than the editor who is akin to writers and journalist. I will be interested to see how far down the publisher mindset rabbit hole we will go until we discover, the real gold was and will always be the writers, even those who engage marketing for a living. The role of editor needs to find its place and assert itself back in new media, for what was for the journalistic integrity back then, is now for the writers integrity today.

Bill Stankiewicz

7 years ago #28

beBee is growing in the Southeast

Liesbeth Leysen, MSc.

7 years ago #27

@gert scholtz, you started a golden journey!
I love beBee ! learning and helping each other !
great names here ! thanks again Gert \ud83d\udc1d Scholtz

Sara Jacobovici

7 years ago #24

Being long winded, I couldn't fit everything I wanted to say in this box Gert \ud83d\udc1d Scholtz. So I wrote this Thanks for a great post Gert.

Jerry Fletcher

7 years ago #23

Thank you Gert! I'm forwarding this to all the folks I know who appreciate good writing.

Jim Murray

7 years ago #22

Wow. I'm humbled. When you put it all into a single posts as skillfully and sincerely as you have, it really lets you know how many good writers have been attracted to this site, and how different they are all from each other. Thanks for doing this. I will share this far and wide. Great work Gert. PS, you should share it everywhere too. We all should. Gert \ud83d\udc1d Scholtz

Lada 🏡 Prkic

7 years ago #21

It’s wonderful to see when one writer praises other writers and gives them compliments. To put others in the spotlight is a quality of exceptional people, like you are, Gert.

Lada 🏡 Prkic

7 years ago #20

It’s wonderful to see when one writer praises other writers and give them compliments. To put others in the spotlight is a quality of exceptional people, like you are, Gert.

Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

7 years ago #19

People who join bebee should get this buzz first up. You have made sure all are followed and the variety and unique expressions would keep one busy .. reading and reading and reading :)

Bill Stankiewicz

7 years ago #18

Cool 🎈👍👍👍👍👍👍👍🎈👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍🎈👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

Lance 🐝 Scoular

7 years ago #17

👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 👶👦👧👨👩👴👵👍👌

Mamen 🐝 Delgado

7 years ago #16

Thanks so much Gert \ud83d\udc1d Scholtz... Your Producer is full of love, you are so kind... Thanks!!

Liesbeth Leysen, MSc.

7 years ago #15

a bee that deserves a beBee award: meet Gert Scholtz!

Liesbeth Leysen, MSc.

7 years ago #14

OMG Gert \ud83d\udc1d Scholtz creates beBee awards for bees honoring other bees. You certainly deserve one. So kind of you to put other bees in the spotlights. Proud of you.

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #13

Wow Gert \ud83d\udc1d Scholtz I WISH I could speak Spanish and/or write in Spanish too, you do wonderful! I admire people who are able to write in a language that isn't their native language!

Ian Weinberg

7 years ago #12

Thanks for the mention Gert \ud83d\udc1d Scholtz Humbled to be included among such a formidable group of erudite folk.

David B. Grinberg

7 years ago #11

Thank YOU, Gert, for your gracious recognition of so many talented writers on beBee Producer, the premier blogging platform to enhance personal branding and organic reach. There are many more admirable and inspirational bloggers on beBee out there, but listing them all would require another post. Keep buzzing all beBee bloggers!

Dean Owen

7 years ago #10

No decent list would be complete without mention of the earthenly prose of Gert \ud83d\udc1d Scholtz! And what happened to the Vegas guy? Haven't seen him around for a while....

Ken Boddie

7 years ago #9

An imposing list that you've presented, Gert, and thanks for the 'shout out'. I would follow Paul Walters and indicate that the cheque is in the post, but, as you know, I'm too Scottish to open my wallet and expel the family of moths nestling warmly in there. Incidentally, I'll try and be less "obscure" with my choice of places. 🤣

Paul Walters

7 years ago #8

Gert \ud83d\udc1d Scholtz Oh gert What can I say...I'm flattered , humbled and a little awestruck. To whom do I make the cheque payable to ?

Robert Cormack

7 years ago #7

Thanks, Gert \ud83d\udc1d Scholtz. I'm amazed you devoted the time and energy to such an extensive and inclusive piece. We've got some good ones here, no question, and certainly among the "handful" who keeps us guessing about intent and ending. Nice piece.
Agree wholeheartedly.
Gert \ud83d\udc1d Scholtz many thanks. I need to improve my english. I try to do my best. beBee is about diversity.
Thank you, Gert, for your praise. For once I'm speechless.

Pascal Derrien

7 years ago #3

Holy guacamole Gert \ud83d\udc1d Scholtz I did not see that one coming :-) like Paul I say thank you & I am humbled unless you, were, talking, about, somebody, else, and then it might explain the quiproquo :-)

Phil Friedman

7 years ago #2

Thank you, Gert \ud83d\udc1d Scholtz, for the very kind words. Which, for a change, leave me without a quip to make in return. Cheers!

Ali Anani

7 years ago #1

I am lost of words to express my deep appreciation to your heart-touching words about me dear Gert \ud83d\udc1d Scholtz. Thank You

Articles from Gert Scholtz

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5 years ago · 4 min. reading time

Pascal Derrien · is one of the few Irish Bees here on BeBee. He joined around the same time as I did ...

5 years ago · 2 min. reading time

This is me, your Dog. · Let's leave the woofs, howls and barks. Let's talk - just you and me. I don’ ...

5 years ago · 6 min. reading time

I never realized how experienced and knowledgeable Jerry Fletcher is until this interview. · He join ...

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