Nokwanda Nkala
Wellness / Beauty
About Nokwanda Nkala:
A little bit of an extrovert and introvert, but very open, talkative, kind, and friendly but also very professional, focused, and determined. Have professional qualifications not just for Make-up and nail tech, but also for baking and tutoring English, which I have both experienced, still doing, and enjoying. I very much enjoy outdoor activities, fun games, and friends gatherings.
After completing my studies, I started working part-time on my own, doing mainly nails, which I would say I have done for more than 2 years. I have also baked for a few clients, including, a baby shower cake and wedding cakes. At the time I am enjoying tutoring English online.
I have always liked food and cakes, so learning the basics of baking professionally was just fulfilling for me.