Keitumetse Matlou
Restaurants / Food Service
Services provided
I am working for myself and consider myself a junior nail technician, I work part time as a waitress in a club and a restaurant. I have completed my diploma in human resources N4. I am intelligent enough to know that I don't know nothing so I always have to be eager to learn and absorb new information. I enjoy interacting with different people and hearing people's different point of view towards life. I have also embarked on a housekeeping training so I know a little bit about it. I'm very kind,bubbly and very social.i am a 23year old young black South African and ready to take on the world.
I have worked as a Hostess in a club..Lavianto lounge
I have worked as back of house..Milky Lane
I have trained as housekeeper..Maximum hotel
I have worked as a promoter..Amilak marketing
I have worked as floor assistant..Clothing junction
I have worked as a sales consultant at a call center for avbob..innotrend
I work as a junior nail technician..Self employed
I have completed matric grade 12 in 2017
I am now currently studying Human resources N5