beBee background
Keitumetse Dingalo

Keitumetse Dingalo

Engineering consultant


Mahikeng, Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municipality


About Keitumetse Dingalo:

I’m a honest committed and hard worker. I can work well under pressure and im a team player. I’m willing to learn and open to new challenges. I was a manager in PW for 10 yrs.


2004 -2015 - Manager EPWP : Mahikeng Local Municipality 

2012 - 2015 - Acting Head : Water and Sanitation : Mahikeng Local Municipality 

2016 - 2019 - EPWP consultant : National Public Works


N6 Mechanical Engineering : Johannesburg Technical College - 2000 - 2002

Certificate in Monitoring and Evaluation : UNIWEST - 2014

Certificate in Word and Excell : UNIWEST - 2008

Certificate in Auto cad system : Rosebank college - 2011


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