beBee background
Cape Town
Debora Masiko

Debora Masiko

Qualified English and social studies teacher

Education / Training

Cape Town, City of Cape Town


Services provided

I’m qualified to teach English and social studies. However, my passion is youth development, community outreach and education. I’m an extrovert, outgoing and passionate about learning new skills, cultures, and values. Being in Africa has taught me the power of education and appreciation for others. 

Approximate rate: R100 per hour


I’m a very dedicated teacher. Before I conduct extra classes for students who underperform, I first check which aspects of their learning need improvement. I outline each topic and section that needs improvement. I then give extra class tests to check the gap where they have missed their understanding of the topic. After that and I still notice that they are still underperforming, I therefore include extra classes, collaborate with other teachers, utilise techniques with the use of technology. Announce their progress weekly and build up working relations with their parents and private tutors where possible.


I took an honours program in education where I majored in language and literacy studies. One of my electives were sociolinguistics and functional grammar. Here, I have learnt a lot regarding learning cognitive dissonance and what contributes to successful learning outcomes.

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