Ian Weinberg

6 years ago · 5 min. reading time · ~10 ·

Ian blog
Inflamed and smoked

Inflamed and smoked


It began like any other weekday. The usual rush hour, people, cars and the noises of a populated city. But this was to be like no other day. For a process had been unleashed which was to have a devastating effect on the normality of daily life. And if there was to be a solution, it would tax the experts to the limits of their knowledge and expertise.

It really began with nothing more than a flu-like illness in several people in the course of the working day. But that flu-like illness had also manifest in others, in different parts of the world. And the illness progressed such that those afflicted became really ill and incapacitated. The very young, the elderly and the frail required more intensive treatment and so admissions to healthcare facilities began to increase.

At this time, global communication across the multi-media, social media and personal connections became activated. And indeed the affliction of many across the globe took on the appearance of a global viral pandemic. This immediately triggered the virologists and immunologists to begin the process of identifying a probable new strain of flu. With great confidence based on their advanced technology and experience, the institutions and their teams of experts set out to profile the virus fiend and develop the appropriate vaccine. But to no avail. No virus could be identified.

The global pandemic was now accelerating with the first of many deaths being reported. Alarm bells began to ring. The pandemic had all the hallmarks of the 1918 Swine Flu – the roaring immune response with an excessive inflammatory reaction, which resulted in severe and often fatal consequences upon cardiac and lung function. But what was the immune activity and the inflammatory reaction responding to?

Inevitably then, panic took hold of the people. And with this came an upsurge in the numbers of the afflicted and the dead. The world was caught in the grip of a lethal pandemic .... of what? Of inflammation? The clinicians attempted to profile who was contracting the illness and who was dying. The illness had cut across regions, races and gender, almost simultaneously. Most disconcerting was the fact that isolated communities around the globe had been affected in similar ways and with similar profiles to the large urban populations. And still no infecting organism was isolated.

Suddenly a breakthrough from the immunologists. All the afflicted had the same blood group. But the bad news was that this was one of the common blood groups. And so the immunologists roped in the haematologists and the geneticists and sure enough they identified an antibody to a protein made by a previously ‘hidden’ or suppressed part of the DNA, which was linked to the gene coding for the blood grouping. It became apparent that this segment of the DNA molecule was suppressed from birth. And when the immune system matured it was never presented with the protein coded for by that segment. Hence it was never recognized as ‘self’. But something had disturbed the suppressing chemical which had allowed the previously hidden part of the DNA molecule to produce a new protein which was not accepted by the immune system as being ‘self’. So it had mounted a massive attack on the ‘foreign’ protein which was in fact ‘self’.

Armed with this information the experts, now with a slight spring in their steps, boldly turned to their animal models. They developed immunological and genetic engineering methods to artificially destroy the suppressing chemical on the DNA molecule and allowed the ‘foreign’ protein to be made and to elicit an immune response. And indeed it occurred, thus proving their theory and observations.

And all this, while people were dying on an unprecedented scale, world-wide. Normal life had almost ground to a halt. Everyone personally knew many who had been afflicted and who had succumbed. Panic gripped the world.

The experts were now confident. They could taste victory! They synthesized the destroyed suppressing protein and inserted it into harmless viruses which were designed to infect people and thus transfer the missing protein into the nuclei of their cells, thus restoring the suppression of the ‘foreign’ segment of the DNA.

At last arrived the moment when the new viral vectors were ready to be disseminated amongst the populations. But a strange thing happened – tests began to show that the afflicted had begun replenishing their own damaged suppressor chemistry. But despite this, the illness continued to ravage the people unabated. There was no letup in the incidence of the newly afflicted and the death toll continued to soar. The world was gripped by a lethal pandemic and the experts were now clueless and powerless. They had played their last card. Panic, disease and death became the order of the day.

Enter Morton Stanley. A physician by profession, Morton was anything but your regular physician. Generally stoned, Morton dabbled in everything from physics to numerology, from astronomy to astrology and everything in between. While tinkering with his miscellaneous transmitters and receivers (he was trying to make contact with extra-terrestrials) he noted much interference during the time of the onset of the pandemic. He had even ‘purified’ the interfering frequency which had emanated from deep space.

Morton was now salivating with the relish of unfolding possibilities . He was familiar with the newly discovered causes of the pandemic. He now toyed with the possibility that the given frequency emanating from deep space could perhaps have resonated with, and specifically disrupted the suppressing DNA chemical, thus unleashing the pandemic. He checked his receiving apparatus and noted that the frequency was no longer discernible, possibly coinciding with the time that the spontaneous replenishing had begun to occur around the globe. But why was the world still in the grip of this devastating pandemic?

Somewhere in Morton’s stoned right hemisphere emerged the flicker of a hunch. He was drawn to review his old notes on psychoneuro-immunology (PNI) – the study of the influences of mind states on immune function. And there it was ... it jumped out at him. He had to go and find a group of individuals with the implicated blood group that had either not been afflicted or who had survived.

And so Morton’s quest began. His small sample of non-afflicted or surviving individuals consisted of: Highly spiritual individuals who believed that they would survive, but even if they didn’t survive they weren’t afraid of death; several alcoholics who had remained quite euphoric throughout the ordeal; several psychotics who had no connection with their environments; a group of golfers who had been playing their best golf such that they resolved to continue playing and enjoying the roll ‘come hell or high water’.

Yes indeed, Morton had nailed it. The beam of frequency from deep space had resonated specifically with the covering/ suppressing chemical of the DNA segement and destroying it. This had caused a ‘foreign’ protein to be manufactured which had kick-started an immune process characterized by a florid and in many cases, a lethal inflammatory cascade which then had destroyed hearts and lungs. But the real killer was panic and its chemistry.

The pandemic had triggered a mighty collective amygdala panic action with the subsequent outpouring of collective adrenaline and cortisol. It was inevitable that this would, in turn, precipitate a lethal wave of inflammation. And so the masses were succumbing to wholesale and unchecked acute inflammation which was perpetuating itself chemically and psychologically. Mankind was spiraling down the plughole with its own inflammatory juices!

Morton was fired up. He had the solution - Quieten the panic on a macro scale and the inflammation would subside together with the lethal illnesses. But no one was available to listen to Morton. The professors and their legions of academics required Morton’s CV. The little that he had would not gain him access to receptive ears. And the few that granted him an audience demanded supporting data. They laughed him out with his ‘crazy’ theory and his ‘anecdotal’ evidence. It was a futile and hopeless endeavor. And so a disheartened Morton returned to his humble abode, lit a joint or two and watched ... as the darkness descended and the lights slowly went out.

                                             Copyright reserved - Ian Weinberg 2017


Cyndi wilkins

4 years ago #38

Lol! I got your joke Randall Burns...the second half of my comment was not necessarily directed at you, but rather those who may feel I am playing into the fear mongering... That's the epidemic here;-) Perhaps I'm the one who needs to go smoke a 'fatty'...Ha ha ha ha! I need one after my repair man just popped by for something I thought would be a 'small job'...Only to hear him say, "Don't bother trying to fix this...you need a whole new machine!" Ooooff!!! I'm hoping that is not a self fulfilling prophecy of things to come...

Randall Burns

4 years ago #37

I understand and agree with your sentiments Cyndi wilkins's excellent story but I was trying to be humorous regarding your final statement, (which I did find funny but it appears that I struck out with the attempt) "Thanks for providing me with another good reason to start smoking pot again " (I guess I'll go roll another one and re-contemplate my approach)

Cyndi wilkins

4 years ago #36

Continued... Please do do misinterpret my intentions here...I certainly do not mean to heighten fear by raising such questions...It is simply my feeling on the subject. I would however, like to highlight Ian's drawing our attention back to PNI...Perhaps we could all take a step away from the fear being generated by this and reassess the way we have been living our own lives...If there are changes to be made, now would be a very good time;-) Remember, while you fear something you give IT the power and diminish your own...

Cyndi wilkins

4 years ago #35

Well Randall Burns) which appears to have the ability to 'regenerate itself' as parts of it die off, would seem to me to have a 'man made' influence to it... I know, I know....Everyone is screaming at me...You and your conspiracy theories!!! But think about this for a moment, what a perfect 'biological weapon' to bring down a another nations economy...and at the moment, the US is the most hated country in the world. My personal feeling is this was something manufactured with ill intent and it inadvertently got loose...

Randall Burns

4 years ago #34

Cyndi wilkins Just to clarify my mirthful outburst, (literally), at your comment... How many reasons do you need?

Randall Burns

4 years ago #33

LMAO!!! Cyndi wilkins

Cyndi wilkins

4 years ago #32

The lethal 'Collective Panic Attack'....No wonder my blood pressure is spiking lately;-) The frequencies remind me of this 'forgotten genius'...Sir Royal Raymond Rife...I love the 'weird scientists!' https://behiveofhealing.com/forgotten-genius-royal-raymond-rife/ Thanks for providing me with another good reason to start smoking pot again Ian Weinberg;-)

Ian Weinberg

4 years ago #31

Thanks Randy. Indeed I did read it. He was a great storyteller.

Randall Burns

4 years ago #30

Wow! great story Ian Weinberg Amazing how poignant it really is today; It really makes one think... I do agree with the premise of our psychological/emotional states, "Panic", influencing our physical well being as you've illustrated so well here. Did you ever read a book, (or see the movie), titled "The Andromeda Strain", by Michael Crichton? Great job Buddy!

Ian Weinberg

4 years ago #29

Or to quote a great singer of our times ‘Everybody must get stoned!’

Paul Walters

4 years ago #28

Ian Weinberg have just forwarded this to Mike Pence and with him coupling this to thoughts and prayers all will be right with the world.

Neil Smith

5 years ago #27

No problem Ian Weinberg I seem to be keeping my futuristic sci-fi (or not so fi) levels up to a sensible level. Very enjoyable read.

Ian Weinberg

5 years ago #26

Thanks for sharing Neil Smith

Ian Weinberg

5 years ago #25

Thanks for that Ken Boddie With the stirring words of encouragement from you gentlemen, I may well delve into the right hemisphere and seek out some seeds! Have a great weekend.

Gert Scholtz

5 years ago #24

Thank you for resurrecting this post Neil Smith - he like many great minds - is willing to consider, explore and entertain potential truths that lie beyond the conventional confines of academic and scientific knowns.

Ken Boddie

5 years ago #23

I see that Neil Smith has kick started this tale again, Ian, a year and some more after you regaled us with Morton's ultimate shot in the dark, which, through western man's propensity to ridicule that which cannot readily be scientifically proven, missed it's mark, ensuring once and for all that the lights were extinguished. We need more stories like these, Ian.

Ian Weinberg

6 years ago #22

Ah, thanks mate. I'll need to dig deep to turn out something of substance - with my ADD and all!

Ken Boddie

6 years ago #21

I certainly embraced this fast paced, DNA based, academics disgraced, death laced tale, Ian. Whatsmore, if Paul Walters says there's a novel in this, and his 'Scimitar' is anything to go by, add a copious amount of 'blood splatter', a smallpox outbreak, and she'll be right, mate. 🤗

Ian Weinberg

6 years ago #20

Thanks for that Praveen Raj Gullepalli

Ian Weinberg

6 years ago #19

I'm going to read up again on Stanley - always intrigued by possible synchronicity occurrences.

Ian Weinberg

6 years ago #18

That's really interesting Michael - that name was a pure 'thumb suck' - just popped into my mind as I was writing. Thanks for pointing it out.

🐝 Fatima G. Williams

6 years ago #17

Great read and true state of affairs.I smell a novel too and I wasn't bored 😁😁😁😁

Ian Weinberg

6 years ago #16

Thanks very much for that Robert Cormack Good incentive for me to get cracking.

Robert Cormack

6 years ago #15

Let me know when you've got something in shape, Ian Weinberg. I'm a tough editor but I do make things better (mostly because of agonizing years getting published myself and working with really tough editors).

Ian Weinberg

6 years ago #14

Thanks for the feedback Robert Cormack Yes indeed, the subject needs a lot more care and work. I'll mull over it and see where it takes me. Need also to juice it up a little with some human elements - romance, sex and political intrigue etc.

Ian Weinberg

6 years ago #13

All still around - waiting to pounce! Best advice - eat your greens (or smoke them).

Ian Weinberg

6 years ago #12

Thanks Harvey Lloyd Yes indeed, seemingly an antidote to many maladies.

Robert Cormack

6 years ago #11

Good allegory (actually a couple), Ian Weinberg. Every industry has its Mortons, the stoned-out quacks, the nerdy libertarians, the seekers. As a physician, you know the dilatory effects of stress, especially when we feel we're "sharing" it. Misery does love company, and once you have a gathering of stressed out people, all that's left is to wait for the masses to go whole-hog crazy. Interesting, too, that you used the "suppressing chemical" to demonstrate how our immunity is broken down by stress (in all blood groups). I agree with Harvey. This could be an interesting novel. Just watch your colloquialisms. The meat and creativity is there. Don't ruin it with "quick grab" phrases. If the notion is original (which it sounds like it is) the words should be, too. Good job. Actually, it reminded me of when I was interviewing infectious disease specialists in Atlanta and Detroit. They both told me (independently) that new, virulent strains of pathogens arrived on every flight into the U.S. Some are resistant to all present broad-spectrum drugs. If that doesn't stress people out, and release that suppressing protein, I don't know what will. Thanks.

Harvey Lloyd

6 years ago #10

I'm not so sure how much fiction is here or not. Great read and story. Like Paul Walters i see a novel. If it happens though i will meet you in Colorado where the antidote is legal.

Ian Weinberg

6 years ago #9

Thanks for sharing Milos Djukic

Lisa Gallagher

6 years ago #8

I do worry about global pandemics Ian. I was shocked when he was swabbed and it came back positive for Swine Flu. He was ill for 2 weeks. Bedridden for one week and he's not easy to keep down. We were like Mutt and Jeff... it's funny now but it wasn't then.

Ian Weinberg

6 years ago #7

Thanks for sharing Lisa \ud83d\udc1d Gallagher Yes indeed, pandemics are now a bigger threat than ever due to increased global travel. Also potentially dangerous viral mutations.

Lisa Gallagher

6 years ago #6

Interesting but eerie story/info Ian Weinberg. My husband developed Swine Flu 3 years ago. Not to sound selfish but he came down with it 24 hours after I broke my left shoulder and right hand (clumsy me, I tripped on my way back to the gas pump). I took care of him with only fingers to guide me. He was ill for 2 weeks. After reading this, I think I'm stoned too LOL. My daughter and I took a boat trip down a river in South Carolina past many old plantations. The plantations with their mansions were empty but years ago they housed the rich with their 'slaves.' Many people died from a flu that swept through the area. It was quite interesting and again eerie. Epidemics are scary and it's hard to say when bugs will mutate again and vaccines won't touch them. I was lucky, I had a vaccine for the swine flu and other flu's that were supposed to be prevalent the year my husband came down with it.

Paul Walters

6 years ago #5

Ian Weinberg I got stoned and almost missed this one !!!! There be a novel in this I have no doubt!
Great read!! And boy--so typical of the human animal. When I finished my degree, I had spent many years raising my kids (becoming a gourmet cook, medical technician, psychologist, etc.), but had no documented work history because I had been so reclusive. Not to mention I had undesirable characteristics like age and illness. I could not even get an interview.

Pascal Derrien

6 years ago #3

that's what happened when you don't fit in the format :-)

Gert Scholtz

6 years ago #2

Ian Weinberg Tragic but so well told. How often the polymaths and eccentrics get ignored - to society's disadvantage. Thanks Ian.

Gert Scholtz

6 years ago #1

Ian Weinberg Tragic but so well told. How often the polymaths and the eccentrics get ignored - to society's disadvantage. Thanks for this story Ian.

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