Lecturer: Department of Public Law - Stellenbosch, South Africa - Stellenbosch University
Duties/Pligte- Duties will be assigned in accordance with the phasingin requirements of the nGap initiative;
- Undergraduate and (eventually) postgraduate teaching in public law, specifically in the area of human rights law and legal theory, or interpretation of statutes;
- Developing and evaluating module material commensurate with the level of appointment;
- Developing an active and productive research programme, including own postgraduate studies, as applicable;
- Rendering service to the Department, Faculty and University, commensurate with the level of appointment.
- Voorgraadse en (mettertyd) nagraadse onderrig in publiekreg, in die besonder menseregte en regsteorie, of uitleg van wetstekste;
- Ontwikkeling en evaluering van modulemateriaal in lyn met die vlak van aanstelling;
- Die ontwikkeling van 'n aktiewe en produktiewe navorsingsprogram, insluitend eie nagraadse studie, soos toepaslik;
- Dienslewering ter ondersteuning van die Departement, Fakulteit en Universiteit, in ooreenstemming met die vlak van aanstelling.
- LLB;
- LLM;
- Potential to effectively lecture at tertiary level;
- Potential to successfully complete appropriate postgraduate study (LLD / PhD);
- Potential to conduct quality research and postgraduate supervision.
- LLB;
- LLM;
- Potensiaal om effektief op tersiêre vlak te kan onderrig;
- Potensiaal om 'n toepaslike nagraadse kwalifikasie (LLD / PhD) te verwerf;
- Potensiaal om kwaliteit navorsing en nagraadse studieleiding uit te voer
- Good interpersonal relationships;
- Legal practical experience;
- Multilingualism;
- Strong academic record.
- Ervaring in die regspraktyk;
- Veeltaligheid;
- Sterk akademiese rekord.
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