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Elmon Mazengwe

Elmon Mazengwe

Doctor of Philosophy Degree Holder

Education / Training

Mpheleng, Mpumalanga


About Elmon Mazengwe:

I am a Doctor of Philosophy Graduate in Teacher and Computer Education. I graduated from the University of Kwazulu Natal. I hold a Masters Degree in Education from Midlands State University in Zimbabwe . My Majors are Curriculum Studies and Life Sciences. I have 23 years of teaching experience in the High School and Teachers Training Colleges. I hold a Canadin Citizenship and I have 6 years of Teaching in Canada. I am presently a Lecturer at Midlands State University in Zimbabwe.


I hold a PhD degree in Teacher Education and Computer Science from the University of Kwazulu Natal. I am a veteran Educationist with 23 years of Teaching experience in Canada , South Africa and Swaziland. I have a Masters Degree in Education from the University of Zimbabwe ( MSU ). My Bachelors Degree is in Geography and Life Sciences. I have 5 Publications on Journal Platforms. I am currently employed as a Lecturer at the University of Zimbabwe (MSU)


I hold a PhD degree in Teacher Education and Computer Science (ICT). I have a Master's Degree in Education with majors in Curriculum Studies and Life Sciences. My PhD Thesis focussed more on the Professional Development of Teachers who are technically equipped to meet the digital challenges of the 4th Industrial Revolution. I am a Curriculum Development Specialist with 8 merits at Master's Degree level. This helps to explain my strong Academic management skills.

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